This Week in Canton City Schools: Wednesday, October 12 - 18, 2016

Show Details

Hosts: Jaclyn Power, Hosiana Alexander & Miracle Walker Guests: Ben Carter (CCSD, College and Career Coordinator) Steve Humphrey (CCSD, Safety and Security, Supervisor John D. Ferrero (Stark County Prosecutor) James N. Knight (Victim/Witness Division, Crime Prevention Specialist) Video: District Level: District Initiatives: FASFA Chalk Talk: teaching and learning: Multicultural Art: student interviews from Mrs. Cochranes Art Classes at the McKinley Downtown Campus Community Involvement: Community Partners: October: National Bullying Awareness Month


Opening 00:00:00

Host: Jaclyn Power

FAFSA Sessions 10/18 McKinley Main Campus 00:01:07

Host: Jaclyn Power Guest: Ben Carter, CCSD College And Career Coordinator

National Bullying Awareness Month 00:13:47

Host: Hosiana Alexander Guests: Steve Humphrey (CCSD, Safety and Security, Supervisor) John D. Ferrero (Stark County Prosecutor) James N. Knight (Victim/Witness Division, Crime Prevention Specialist)

Multicultural Art: from Mrs. Cochrane's Art Class 00:20:47

Host: Miracle Walker

Closing 00:21:54

Host: Jaclyn Power

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